Andrew Crump - Director

BUrbRegPlan, GDipCultHeritage, MPIA

Andrew is a born and bred Orange boy. Upon graduating from the University of New England with a Bachelor Urban and Regional Planning in 2010 he returned to his home town to commence a graduate planner position with Orange City Council.

Andrew has spent the last 10 years with Orange City Council gaining a wealth of planning experience. Andrew has worked on a number of complex development applications ranging from Designated Development through to complex heritage restoration projects. Andrew also has extensive experience in strategic planning having managed numerous Development Control Plans and local strategies during his time with Orange City Council.  

Whilst with Orange City Council, Andrew furthered his knowledge and experience completing a Graduate Diploma Cultural Heritage from Deakin University.

For the last 5 years Andrew was appointed as Council’s Heritage Planner.

Andrew and wife Hayley currently live on a farm on the outskirts of Orange with their two small children, two cavoodles and 34 black Angus heifers.