“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody“ Jane Jacobs
Our services.
Due Diligence / Feasibility study
Permissibility / Land Use.
"Highest and Best use” of land.
Approval History.
Constraints mapping.
Approval Pathways.
Strategic Planning
Preparation of planning proposals (LEP amendments for up-zoning land, changes to development standards such as height of building controls).
Preparation of site specific DCP controls.
Preparation of Council Policy.
Development Application
Preparation and lodgement of all types of development applications.
Types of development applications include:
change of use
alts and adds
industrial development
commercial development
designated development
integrated development
adaptive re-use of heritage items.
Heritage Advice
Preparation of Heritage Impact Statements.
Preparation of conservation management plans and conservation management strategies.
Expert advice on restoration projects.
Preparation of applications for sec. 60 Approvals through NSW Heritage.
Preparation of 5.10(3) (fast track) minor or maintenance works applications through Council.